How to use old wallpapers post for link karma - Online training

How to use old wallpapers post for link karma

In this post, I will show you, how can use old wallpaper for increase link karma. While, You have known that the top three wallpapers. In the previous lecture, I have to explain you also that how to do research for wallpapers sites and how to do explain the wallpaper within the specific title. The old wallpapers almost help for increasing the link karma in a short time. Because You know that in the wallpaper subreddit there are no any violations related rules. Its mean you can post wallpapers picture as you saw on wallpapers top in hot,  forty-five hour ago.
How to manage your old pictures:-
It’s simple to manage old top wallpaper for Reddit pictures. Just click on the pictures titles and save the picture on a desktop. You will see the title almost there.
Just change minor and change its pixel. Then post again, after in 45 or 30 hours. The Same procedure will be applied for a post as, I will share you in previous all post.

Can you I submit an old picture in others subreddit?

Yes, you can submit old videos into gif subreddit and also submit old picture into all subreddit with the same editing. You can submit in pictures and gaming subreddit also. After the long time of three years. Just find old I will guide you in next lecture. With gaming post, I have gained up to four thousand links karma.

Can I select one picture to post all subreddit:-

Yes, you can submit your post in all subreddit. In one day with the same titles. first you need 100 comments karma to post, then you can submit the same post into 3 different subreddit. I have also applied and gain in one day, thousand plus link karma.

How to submit old post video:-

How to use old wallpapers post for link karma  How to use old wallpapers post for link karma Reviewed by tutemake on 1:58:00 PM Rating: 5

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